It is crucial for us to respect the privacy of all of our customers and users. We take your safety online very seriously. We invite you to read our privacy statement below.

We collect information about you.

You should know what information we gather about you while you browse our website. This includes your email address, address, name, postal code city, county, phone number, and password. We collect data on our website in a number of different ways. Firstly, we use the cookies needed to collect and gather information that isn’t personally identifiable. Particular information about you, such as your credit card or bank account number, is personally identifiable information. Personal information is specific to an individual.

Information and the use of it

Help us make this website more user-friendly by not having to input information more than once.

Help you quickly locate information, products and other services.

Please help us create the content you are most interested in on this website.

We notify you of any new services, products or information we provide.

Registration and ordering:

During registration, we’ll ask for the details of your credit card including name, billing and delivery address, number, email, and other details. In addition to the gender of your partner, we might ask about your location so we can ensure that we are in compliance with applicable laws. These kinds of data are used to charge you, process your orders, and to communicate with you the customer regarding your order or on our website. We may use your personal information to notify you of any issue in processing your orders.

Email Addresses

Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest deals. You are able to choose whether you want to take part in an event and provide us with information or not.

3. Privacy Security

We do not offer to trade or rent (or trade or rent) personally identifiable information to any other business in the normal routine. We utilize the most up-to-date encryption technology, and our employees must sign confidentiality agreements which prohibit them from disclosing to any person or entity, information to which they have had access.

What kind of email should I send to my customer?

Email content that contains:

Transaction mail, shipping notification Weekly deal Promotion and Activity.

Newsletters and Email Promotions:

It is through email that we share news, promotions as well as other information to our members. By clicking the unsubscribe link on the email will take you off from our mailing list at no any cost.

How do I unsubscribe?

Unsubscribe from emails by clicking the link on any email newsletter or from your personal subscribe settings once you’ve login.